Sunday, March 4, 2007

Hurray, It's Snowing!

Just kidding. It had almost all melted and now it's back again, can't see one green blade, leaf, or leprechaun; it is March, ya know...

My garden chores today consist of dreaming, oops, I mean planning.
  • I'm trying to recall all the plants that need divided and decide where to put the divisions.
  • What plants were too crowded last year, too close to their neighbors and need relocation? And where?
  • The roses outside the fence need transplanted inside the fence so feeding is easier. And where?
  • Trees and shrubs need pruned.
  • Need to find someone to repair the stone wall.
  • Thought I would try to pot up Dahlias to get a jump start on their growth; first find out when.

That's enough dreaming/planning for now. What are the chores you are actually looking forward to? Because it will mean there is no more *#! SNOW.