Thursday, March 8, 2007

Lawn Class

Who woulda thunk it? Such an enormous amount of info about caring for lawns!
It was a lot to take in in one day, hope I can recall some of it for the final exam.

For me the lawn has been something to try to spread the flower beds into; so I didn't know there could be that much to learn. But many of the pests are present in the flowers beds, too. Especially the ground ivy and now I know that the only things that will kill it are dicamba or MCPP.

In Sunday's Parade there was an ad that listed an offer from Scott for one of the four bags of Turf Builder free after mail-in rebate. to get the details. The bags must be purchased between 3/1/07 and 3/31/07... For those of you that may need four bags at once.

Look for an invite to team blog, coming soon.

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