Monday, August 27, 2007


Week of August 27, 2007

Annuals: Allysum, Impatiens, Cosmos, Cleome, Angelonia, Salvia, NG Impatiens, Zinnias, Heliotrope

Perennials: Phlox, Rosa (but the Japanese Beetles get most), Veronica, Daylily (sporadic), Coreopsis, Gaura, Geranium (sporadic), Hydrangea, Knautia (sporadic, I cut it back), Verbena bonariensis, Kniphofia/torch lily (done mostly, one coming), Salvia, Rudbeckia, Sedum spectabiles, Perennial Ageratum, Hebe (or Heather?), Clematis.

Bulbs: Gladiolus (corm)

Seed Gathering Website

Wow - I missed a whole month of recording bloom times - go figure!

This post is about a great new (to me) website about saving seeds and since it 'tis the season I thought maybe somone would be interested. This sight gives pics of seed pods, seeds and seedlings. Even has wild flowers and weeds - invaluable!